GTI offers many onsite services from computer setup, peripheral installation, data transfers, virus cleanup and scheduled updates for home and business customers. We have experience with personal and business environments including domain computers, networks, remote desktops, and VPN solutions.
Although we recommend some services be performed in store for cost savings we understand that some critical systems need work done onsite.
We offer pick-up and drop-off service for a charge of ½ hour for each way to and from store for customers that are unable to bring in their PC themselves.
On-sites are billable per hour and estimated times for repair are not guaranteed.
If you have an immediate issue with your computer we may be able to provide remote support using our web portal to help you with a popup or configuration issue that does not require full service.
Repair, Buy, Sell, Trade, Customize
Cameras, DVRs, Storage
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Cabling, Troubleshooting, configuration
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GTI is in the Ashley Shopping Plaza located on the Northside of Beach Blvd, just passed 295, in-between Huffman Blvd and Kernan Blvd. We are across the street from the Alhambra Dinner Theater.
Our normal business are open 10 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday, and on Saturday we are open 10 am to 2 pm. Sundays we are closed.
Business hours are subject to change due to holidays or emergencies. Please call us ahead of time to avoid inconvenience: (904) 998 7555.